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Optimized Quercetin 250mg (#60 capsules) – a plant derived bioflavone for immune enhancement and optimal health.


Optimized Quercetin (250mg/ #60 capsules) is a an immune-enhancing plant pigment which offers you potent antioxidant flavonoids. It also has a powerful flavonol, found mostly in onions, grapes, berries, cherries, broccoli, and citrus fruits. It is a versatile antioxidant known to possess protective abilities against tissue injury induced by various drug toxicities.

Concerned about cancer? Read here:

Our experiments, using human colon adenocarcinoma
cells, confirmed the anti-proliferative effect of quercetin
and lent intriguing new insight into the knowledge of
the mechanisms involved leading to the regulation of
cell growth. These findings open new perspectives for
anticancer therapeutic strategies.”


Furthermore, combination of quercetin with EGCG had synergistic inhibitory effects on self-renewal capacity of Cancer Stem Cells through attenuation of TCF/LEF and Gli activities. Since aberrant SHh signaling occurs in pancreatic tumorigenesis, therapeutics that target SHh pathway may improve the outcomes of patients with pancreatic cancer by targeting CSCs.  Read more here:

Green Tea, Quercetin and Cancer STEM cells